At times an institution may need to add, replace or remove a teacher from a given date and onwards. To create, replace or remove teachers/rooms, you may follow these instructions:
Opening the menu to replace, add or remove a staff member/location going forwards:
1) Find the starting date of the change you wish to make. (Example: We will be selecting Art.)
2) Click on the relevant course on the specific date to open its window.
3) Click on the teacher/room calendar box and from here you can select the appropriate option.
Adding a teacher/location:
Click the name of the teacher or the room. This will open another window with a couple of drop-down menus on the right. Click the "Add onwards" option and the "Add [name] onwards"-button.
The teachers or rooms
are now added from the chosen date and to all of the same scheduled courses from then on.
Replace teachers/rooms forwards in the schedule:
1) Make sure that there are already scheduled a teacher or room for the subject
2) Click on the teacher/room that you would want to replace (Note: click on the name, not the cross)
3) Choose the "Replace onwards" menu to the right of the new window. Then choose the staff member/room you want to replace your selection from the "Select calendar..."-button.
Remove teachers/rooms forwards in the schedule:
1) Make sure that there are already scheduled a teacher or room for the subject
2) Click on the teacher/room that you would want to remove (Note: click on the name, not the cross)
3) Click "Remove onwards"
If you want the new settings to last for only a certain time period, rather than the whole school year, you do the changes explained above, followed by finding the date where you want to make changes from yet again. From this date, you can add/replace/remove rooms or teachers forward in time in the same way as you have already done.