Removing Courses/Subjects

Deleting courses/subjects from the schedule

You can easily delete a specific subject from the schedule. You can do this by choosing the particular course/subject that you want to delete, followed by clicking on the Trash-icon at the top right corner.

Deleting courses for a day/whole week

Within every calendar, there is a “Delete day/week” option. When clicking here, you are able to choose between deleting a particular day or the whole week. Consequently, all of the scheduled subjects will be deleted from the selected day or week.

Delete all sessions of a specific subject in the calendar

If you want to delete all sessions from one specific subject/course in the schedule, and if your schedule is the same each week, you can do this by going back to the first week the course is scheduled in the calendar and deleting the subject. Then, you copy the week and paste it to the week(s) the subject should be removed from. If there are any difficulties regarding this, and the schedule varies weekly, you will have to delete the particular subjects one by one.


Delete subject (from the list among subjects)

To delete a course and remove it from the subject list on the left side of the schedule, start by clicking on the specific course you want to delete. Then, you click on the Trash-icon at the bottom left. 

Note: the Trash-icon will only be visible and able to click on when the course is deactivated, meaning it has not been scheduled. As it is not possible to delete an active subject, you may want to make sure that the course has not been scheduled to be able to delete the course. 

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