The Default Location for a Course

You can create a default location for specific courses to avoid double-booking a room. The location will be “locked” to these courses when they are placed in the schedule. For instance, one can create a "Music Room" and link it to Music classes.

This is useful when locations are being used by several classes during the week, to keep track of when it would best make sense to schedule a course. It also helps both staff and students to know where they will be attending the course.

Alternatively, it is possible to schedule courses directly in the calendar for locations. However, because of the fact that a course can only be moved in the calendar it was created, this type of scheduling would impede the ability to move and edit courses in classes’ schedules and consequently makes it more difficult to remove courses that are taught in popular rooms.

A precondition creating a default location for a course is to already have created the class and location.

Add the default location for a course:

1) Find the calendar for the class/grade where the course (i.e Music) is scheduled.

2) Click on the course in the Subject-list on the left side menu.

3) Select location under “Location”.

4) Click “Update course”.

Schedule directly in the calendar for the location

The location is now “tied” to the course. You can therefore schedule directly in the location calendar in the left side menu, under “Location”. After you have found the specific location calendar, you select the specific course under “Subjects” to the left, and schedule it. If you want to make changes for the course, like new times, these changes have to be done in the location calendar and not the classes’.

The subjects you find here are the subjects linked to the location. Thus, they are the same as the courses where there are created default locations. As a result, these courses are registered in the hour count for planned activities. 

Note: If you copy the schedule of a Grade/Class, this copy will not automatically apply to the planned activities in the calendar for Locations. In other words, activities that are scheduled in the Location-calendar have to be separately copied and pasted. 

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